How to Overcome the Fear of Failure Once and for All

How to Overcome the Fear of Failure Once and for All

Do you ever put off doing something because you’re “not sure how it will turn out”? Do you avoid situations where you will have to try something new in front of people? Have you ever put off doing something you know will improve your life, even though you have “no good reason” not to do it? If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above questions, it is the fear of failure that is blocking your success.

Failure can be a scary word. It’s more of a neurosis that keeps us from attempting to accomplish anything at all. But it does not have to be what you think. You see, failure is a part of life, and we all experience it at some point or another. But do you really have to feel the fear of failure to succeed? The unfortunate truth is that being afraid of failure is exactly what keeps people from succeeding. Perhaps it’s because you have this nagging voice in the back of your head telling you that failing is the worst thing that could ever happen to you.But what are we really afraid of when we fear failure? According to Tellman Knudson, a certified hypnotherapist, what we really fear is failing to do something right the first time. So, is it really reasonable to expect ourselves to do anything right the first time around? No.In fact, almost every famous person will tell you that their biggest failures are what ultimately led to their success. People who are willing to take risks usually end up much further ahead than those who play it safe all the time. And even though it does not always feel pleasant to fail the first time, failure brings with it a valuable insight. You were probably told in your childhood that you should learn from the mistakes of others. But making your own mistakes will also help you grow.If you still feel stuck because of your fear of failing, then read on to learn how to overcome this obstacle once and for all so you can move forward in your life and goals again!

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
― Thomas A. EdisonWhen people think of failure, they often think of a complete and utter disaster. It is a painful experience that touches our self-esteem and invites judgment by others. Regardless of the area of our lives in which we experience failure, it may leave us feeling surprised, helpless, shocked, sad or panic-stricken as well as demotivated, lacking in self-confidence and questioning our abilities.However, that’s not the only side of failure. When Thomas Edison famously failed nearly 10,000 times to develop a commercially viable electric light bulb, with each failure he gained knowledge of another way that did not work.Failing is just part of the process of getting to where you want to be. In other words, failure is actually a necessary part of success that helps you learn and grow so that you can achieve even more than you originally set out to do in the first place.So if you’re feeling afraid of failing, keep in mind that it’s not the end of the world. In fact, it’s almost a positive thing because it means that you’re taking a risk!

Use your fear of failure to help you succeed

When you’re afraid of failing, it can feel like a huge weight on your shoulders. What you may not realize, however, is that this fear is actually a good thing! Why? Because the more afraid you are of failing, the more motivated you’ll be to succeed.In fact, this fear can be your best asset. It can help you achieve things that you didn’t even know were possible before.For example, if you have a big project coming up at work where you have to pitch an idea or sell something, use your fear to push you to the point where you’re absolutely sure that idea will work for your clients. This way, you’ll have nothing to worry about because you’ll have done everything you can to make sure it’ll be successful.

Live in the moment

Try to focus on the here and now. Pay attention to little things you can achieve today and ignore the big picture for now. Long-term plans can overwhelm anyone, the trick is to make sure they do not paralyze you. Focus on the part of the project that you can accomplish now.Without completely ignoring or denying thoughts of the past or future, think of the past and future in small doses. When you think about the past, make sure you see a reason for it, such as reliving a pleasant experience, finding out where you went wrong, or finding the key to a past success. When you think about the future, do so in a healthy, anxiety-free way, putting worries aside and staying in the present most of the time to prepare for the future and move forward.

Take action even when you are afraid

The best way to overcome your fear of failure is to take action even when you are afraid. If you never take a risk, you will never be rewarded. In fact, many people who sit back and play it safe never reach their full potential or achieve as much as they could have. On the other hand, people who are willing to take risks often end up much further ahead than those who play it safe all the time.So if you are afraid of failure, it’s time to take action. Get your goals straight, find a way to make progress, and get on with your life. There is no better way to overcome your fear of failure than to actually take action.

See your fear as a sign that something is worth pursuing

It may sound strange, but you can actually view your fear as a positive thing. Once you’ve mastered that fear and pushed past it to achieve your goals, you’ll be glad you did. In fact, conquering your fears is a major part of personal development and growth. It’s often the things that scare us the most that we need to work the hardest to achieve.So next time you find yourself feeling afraid of failing, turn that fear into motivation to push through the struggle and do what it takes to succeed. It may seem strange to see this from this view, but it can be very helpful in the long run.

Keep track of your emotions

One of the best ways to overcome your fear of failure is to keep track of your emotions. By doing this, you’ll be able to see how your emotions affect you, which in turn will help you understand them better and be able to overcome them more easily. Make sure you keep track of how frequently you feel different emotions so that you can see when they’re affecting you the most.The best way to track your emotions and mood is to use Mind Bank Ai to build your personal digital twin. Not only will it help you track your emotions, but it will also let you discover your inner self, identify your Big Five personality traits and see the reasons behind your fears. Once you learn more about yourself and establish the reasons, you will be able to better understand your fears so that you can overcome them more easily.

Appreciate yourself

Similar to the way you can track your emotions, you may also start an appreciation diary. This is also similar to a gratitude diary but different. Each day, list three or more things that you’re proud of. MindBank Ai is a perfect place to note all the things you’ve done well – a way of congratulating yourself.Practice patting yourself on the back, to reinforce the things you’re pleased about and you’ll start to feel stronger and more successful. Soon you will also start responding to your failures with compassion. In turn, responding to your failures with compassion will make you a more capable and resilient person while helping your self-esteem as studies show.


There are many different ways to overcome the fear of failure. The key is to understand that failing is a necessary part of success, take action even when you’re afraid, and view your fear as a sign that something is worth pursuing.The fact is, failure doesn’t have to be scary. Many people avoid it because they don’t know how to handle it when it inevitably happens, but there are a number of tools you can use to mitigate the negative effects of failure in your life and move on to more successful pursuits.When you realize you’re having difficulty in a certain area, don’t be afraid to self-care or ask for help. Make sure you give yourself enough time and resources to successfully complete the task, and when you do, take the time to learn from the experience.The most important thing is to remember that when you fail it doesn’t mean the end of the world and that you can turn the failure into a positive thing. No matter what your situation, remember that you can always find a silver lining in any situation.By taking in these ways of thinking, we can start to see failure as a stepping stone to success rather than a roadblock. If you can overcome your fears of failure and instead see it as a necessary and inevitable part of life, you can move forward with confidence.

Do you ever put off doing something because you’re “not sure how it will turn out”? Do you avoid situations where you will have to try something new in front of people? Have you ever put off doing something you know will improve your life, even though you have “no good reason” not to do it? If you answered “yes” to one or more of the above questions, it is the fear of failure that is blocking your success.

Failure can be a scary word. It’s more of a neurosis that keeps us from attempting to accomplish anything at all. But it does not have to be what you think. You see, failure is a part of life, and we all experience it at some point or another. But do you really have to feel the fear of failure to succeed? The unfortunate truth is that being afraid of failure is exactly what keeps people from succeeding. Perhaps it’s because you have this nagging voice in the back of your head telling you that failing is the worst thing that could ever happen to you.But what are we really afraid of when we fear failure? According to Tellman Knudson, a certified hypnotherapist, what we really fear is failing to do something right the first time. So, is it really reasonable to expect ourselves to do anything right the first time around? No.In fact, almost every famous person will tell you that their biggest failures are what ultimately led to their success. People who are willing to take risks usually end up much further ahead than those who play it safe all the time. And even though it does not always feel pleasant to fail the first time, failure brings with it a valuable insight. You were probably told in your childhood that you should learn from the mistakes of others. But making your own mistakes will also help you grow.If you still feel stuck because of your fear of failing, then read on to learn how to overcome this obstacle once and for all so you can move forward in your life and goals again!

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
― Thomas A. EdisonWhen people think of failure, they often think of a complete and utter disaster. It is a painful experience that touches our self-esteem and invites judgment by others. Regardless of the area of our lives in which we experience failure, it may leave us feeling surprised, helpless, shocked, sad or panic-stricken as well as demotivated, lacking in self-confidence and questioning our abilities.However, that’s not the only side of failure. When Thomas Edison famously failed nearly 10,000 times to develop a commercially viable electric light bulb, with each failure he gained knowledge of another way that did not work.Failing is just part of the process of getting to where you want to be. In other words, failure is actually a necessary part of success that helps you learn and grow so that you can achieve even more than you originally set out to do in the first place.So if you’re feeling afraid of failing, keep in mind that it’s not the end of the world. In fact, it’s almost a positive thing because it means that you’re taking a risk!

Use your fear of failure to help you succeed

When you’re afraid of failing, it can feel like a huge weight on your shoulders. What you may not realize, however, is that this fear is actually a good thing! Why? Because the more afraid you are of failing, the more motivated you’ll be to succeed.In fact, this fear can be your best asset. It can help you achieve things that you didn’t even know were possible before.For example, if you have a big project coming up at work where you have to pitch an idea or sell something, use your fear to push you to the point where you’re absolutely sure that idea will work for your clients. This way, you’ll have nothing to worry about because you’ll have done everything you can to make sure it’ll be successful.

Live in the moment

Try to focus on the here and now. Pay attention to little things you can achieve today and ignore the big picture for now. Long-term plans can overwhelm anyone, the trick is to make sure they do not paralyze you. Focus on the part of the project that you can accomplish now.Without completely ignoring or denying thoughts of the past or future, think of the past and future in small doses. When you think about the past, make sure you see a reason for it, such as reliving a pleasant experience, finding out where you went wrong, or finding the key to a past success. When you think about the future, do so in a healthy, anxiety-free way, putting worries aside and staying in the present most of the time to prepare for the future and move forward.

Take action even when you are afraid

The best way to overcome your fear of failure is to take action even when you are afraid. If you never take a risk, you will never be rewarded. In fact, many people who sit back and play it safe never reach their full potential or achieve as much as they could have. On the other hand, people who are willing to take risks often end up much further ahead than those who play it safe all the time.So if you are afraid of failure, it’s time to take action. Get your goals straight, find a way to make progress, and get on with your life. There is no better way to overcome your fear of failure than to actually take action.

See your fear as a sign that something is worth pursuing

It may sound strange, but you can actually view your fear as a positive thing. Once you’ve mastered that fear and pushed past it to achieve your goals, you’ll be glad you did. In fact, conquering your fears is a major part of personal development and growth. It’s often the things that scare us the most that we need to work the hardest to achieve.So next time you find yourself feeling afraid of failing, turn that fear into motivation to push through the struggle and do what it takes to succeed. It may seem strange to see this from this view, but it can be very helpful in the long run.

Keep track of your emotions

One of the best ways to overcome your fear of failure is to keep track of your emotions. By doing this, you’ll be able to see how your emotions affect you, which in turn will help you understand them better and be able to overcome them more easily. Make sure you keep track of how frequently you feel different emotions so that you can see when they’re affecting you the most.The best way to track your emotions and mood is to use Mind Bank Ai to build your personal digital twin. Not only will it help you track your emotions, but it will also let you discover your inner self, identify your Big Five personality traits and see the reasons behind your fears. Once you learn more about yourself and establish the reasons, you will be able to better understand your fears so that you can overcome them more easily.

Appreciate yourself

Similar to the way you can track your emotions, you may also start an appreciation diary. This is also similar to a gratitude diary but different. Each day, list three or more things that you’re proud of. MindBank Ai is a perfect place to note all the things you’ve done well – a way of congratulating yourself.Practice patting yourself on the back, to reinforce the things you’re pleased about and you’ll start to feel stronger and more successful. Soon you will also start responding to your failures with compassion. In turn, responding to your failures with compassion will make you a more capable and resilient person while helping your self-esteem as studies show.


There are many different ways to overcome the fear of failure. The key is to understand that failing is a necessary part of success, take action even when you’re afraid, and view your fear as a sign that something is worth pursuing.The fact is, failure doesn’t have to be scary. Many people avoid it because they don’t know how to handle it when it inevitably happens, but there are a number of tools you can use to mitigate the negative effects of failure in your life and move on to more successful pursuits.When you realize you’re having difficulty in a certain area, don’t be afraid to self-care or ask for help. Make sure you give yourself enough time and resources to successfully complete the task, and when you do, take the time to learn from the experience.The most important thing is to remember that when you fail it doesn’t mean the end of the world and that you can turn the failure into a positive thing. No matter what your situation, remember that you can always find a silver lining in any situation.By taking in these ways of thinking, we can start to see failure as a stepping stone to success rather than a roadblock. If you can overcome your fears of failure and instead see it as a necessary and inevitable part of life, you can move forward with confidence.

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